Aerodactyl #1 HOLO

1999 Pokemon Fossil

1st Edition

CGC Grade: GEM MT 10

Included in the Fossil expansion as both a Holofoil and Non Holofoil card, this Kagemaru Himeno illustration was first released in the Japanese Mystery of the Fossils expansion. A Pre-release Holofoil print was released as a Pokemon League Promo in July of 1999.

This is a ferocious Pokémon from ancient times. Apparently even modern technology is incapable of producing a perfectly restored specimen.

Kabutops #9 HOLO

1999 Pokemon Fossil

1st Edition

CGC Grade: GEM MT 10

Illustrated by Ken Sugimori, this Kabutops were first included in the Fossil expansion as both a HOLO and non-holofoil card. The non-holo print was later reprinted in the Legendary Collection expansion, as this card was first released in the Japanese Myster of the Fossils expansion as a holo card.

Kabutops slices its prey apart and sucks out the fluids. The discarded body parts become food for other Pokémon.

Moltres #12

1999 Pokemon

Fossil HOLO

1st Edition

CGC Grade: GEM MT 10

First included in the Japanese Mystery of the Fossils expansion as a Holofoil card, it was reprinted with different artwork by Ken Sugimori, available as a prize at the 1999 Tropical Mega Battle tournament. Those who were not in the main event could still battle each other, earning stamps for every battle they participated in. Those who completed their stamp booklet were awarded either Moltres, Articuno or Zapdos phone card at random in a sealed envelope. The Fossil Non Holofoil print was later reprinted in the Legendary Collection expansion. This #12 Moltres was illustrated by Mitsuhiro Arita.

It is one of the legendary bird Pokémon. Its appearance is said to indicate the coming of spring.

Hitmonlee #22

1999 Pokemon Fossil

First Edition

PSA Grade: GEM MT 10

Hitmonlee was included in the Fossil expansion as both a Holofoil and a Non Holofoil card, first released in the Japanese Mystery of the Fossils as a Holofoil card. The Holofoil print was later also reprinted in the Legendary Collection expansion. All examples have been illustrated by Ken Sugimori.

At the exact moment it lands a kick on its target, Hitmonlee hardens the muscles on the sole of its foot, maximizing the power of the kick.

Kabutops #24

1999 Pokemon Fossil

First Edition

PSA Grade: GEM MT 10

Kabutops card was included in the Fossil expansion as both a Holofoil and Non Holofoil card, first released in the Japanese Mystery of the Fossils expansion as a Holofoil card. The Non Holofoil print was later reprinted in the Legendary Collection expansion, but both are illustrated by Ken Sugimori.

Kabutops slices its prey apart and sucks out the fluids. The discarded body parts become food for other Pokémon.

Lapras #25

1999 Pokemon Fossil

First Edition

PSA Grade: GEM MT 10

This Ken Sugimori illustration was included in the Fossil expansion as both a Holofoil and Non Holofoil card, first released in the Japanese Myster of the Fossils expansion as a Holofoil card.

Lapras ferries people across the sea on its back. It may sing an enchanting cry if it is in a good mood.

Arbok #31

1999 Pokemon Fossil

First Edition

PSA Grade: GEM MT 10

This Stage 1 Arbok, is illustrated by Ken Sugimori and evolves from Ekans. At 6- HP, the pattern on its belly appears to be a frightening face. Weak foes will flee just at the sight of the pattern.

Cloyster #32

1999 Pokemon Fossil

First Edition

CGC Grade: GEM MT 10

This Hagemaru Himeno illustration evolves from Shellder, and Cloyster lives in seas with harsh tidal currents grow large, sharp spikes on their shells too.

Sandslash #41

1999 Pokemon Fossil

First Edition

CGC Grade: GEM MT 10

Illustrated by Ken Sugimori, Sandslash was included in the Fossil expansion, first released in the Japanese Mystery of the Fossils expansion. The card was also later reprinted in the Legendary Collection expansion.

Sandslash is adept at attacking with the spines on its’ back and its’ sharp claws while quickly scurrying about.

 Seadra #42

1999 Pokemon Fossil

First Edition

PSA Grade: GEM MT 10

The Seadra pokemon was included in the Fossil expansion, but was first released in the Japanese Mystery of the Fossils expansion. All English prints of this card have Seadra’s height incorrectly stated as 3’1”, instead of the correct 3’11”. The pokemon was also later reprinted in the Legendary Collection expansion.

Illustrated by Ken Sugimori, male Seadra raises the young. If it is approached while caring for young, it will use its’ toxic spines to fend off the intruder.

Omanyte #52

1999 Pokemon Fossil

First Edition

PSA Grade: GEM MT 10

Omanyte, a card included in the Fossil expansion, was illustrated by Kagemaru Himeno. First released in the Japanese Mystery of the Fossils expansion, it was also later reprinted in the Legendary Collection expansion.

Because some Omanyte manage to escape after being restored or are released into the wild by people, this species is becoming a problem.

 Tentacool #56

1999 Pokemon Fossil

First Edition

PSA Grade: GEM MT 10

Illustrated by Kagemaru Himeno, Tentacool was first released in the Japanese Mystery of the Fossils expansion. It was first included in the Fossil expansion, and was also later reprinted in the Legendary Collection expansion. When the tide goes out, dehydrated Tentacool can be found left behind on the shore.


Jungle Pokemon


Team Rocket